During the last two years, I have had more interesting and truly intelligent conversations than in the years previous to that all together, believe me...
Over that period of time, I come to realise, to have those converstaions with those people, to study Philosophy and Literatue and all, you got to have seen, heard and watched the classics.
This is a self evident truth. But that is the beauty of it: realising the obvious.
Anyways, I found out I had not read the stuff everyone had. I had barely heard of some. In my school we never had to read anything, especially foreign books. I was mad, at my upbringing and my shcooling, even at my previous friends. But, moving on, I realised I would just have to catch up.
That is what I am presently doing. Reading Orwell's 1984.
I am 3/4 done with it and I already have some 5 pages marked as potential Philosophy material. The best part is about Epistemology. It used to be the most boring thing, but I have come to discover it matters more to me than I thought.
A particular question is posed that I will really develop. If you alone hold a believe, if it cannot be empirically veriefied or inter-subjectively confirmed, how cna you know it is truth? Can it then never be knowledge?
In my recent encounters with missionaries, priests and the like I have learned something about my own idea of religious knowledge. I used to consider that this was a case in which knowledge has special characteristics of individuality and privacy that made it possible at a purely isolated subjective level. However, people tend to organise themselves in churchs, to build mythologies, describe signs of confirmation fo their faith, etc. Tendentially, people are not content in just believing alone.
Does this say something, as a test case, about purely subjective believes. We tend to try to expand them into the world, to make them supported by others, by evidence, etc.
This might be the beggining of something. that is it, tomorrow I will take time and write a proper small essay.
thanks for helping me stop procrastinating. Sorry for any bad spelling, I just didn't fell like re-reading.
good night, I'll see u tomorrow
1 comentário:
how about the mormon girl, how about life and other you know interesting stuff
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