sábado, 14 de fevereiro de 2009

Mind expanding and the inevitability of St. Valentine's

Many Many Many ideas have come to my mind in the last couple of days. Many bloggable.Let us choose one at random....

I am having a mind expansion. Yes, that is what I believe in: not God, not fate nor destiny. I belive that the mind is able to impose meaning in such way upon the world that even Hume underestimated it! Things follow patterns, we see what matters, and we don't even know why....
So, I go walking in Lougheed Mall looking for a bathroom, totally lost. First shop in front of me: SUZY'S. I laugh. I take the stairs up there and next shop I see: SUZZANE's....Alright, so yes, I was thinking of myself, thank you world for acknowledging it. But the world seemed to have something else to say: and there goes a shop with another very familiar, yet new, name. Seriously, I am expanding meaning into the world: let us hope I do not burst, that is when it gets ugly.

I get out of the MAll and I go to the SKytrain platform. Valentine's is everywhere: ballons, couples holding hands like they have never done it before, chocolates and derivated general crap. And no, I am not bitter. No, I am not alone. And no, my lovelife is not non-existent. I am doing great, better than ever I believe.

I was oblivious of the day untill I met my aunt for lunch and she explained that, , it is not Christmas, nor Easter, it is ST. Valentine's. On the platform a couple giving "FREE HUGS" made me sick.

No I don't need a hug. No I do not need ice-cream or a party with my friends. I don't need to read your stupid edition on "love and sex". Because being "single" is not a disease nor a sticker on your head. It is a word applied to describe a person in a social context. Nothing more.

And for your Saint Valentine, whoever that is (nobody really knows), check this:

Patronage: affianced couples, against fainting, bee keepers, happy marriages, love, plague, epileptics

Romantic no? Epiletics and bee keepers.... plague...sexy, what can I say!
And this is why I go for originality and not for empty celebrations.

Because red roses don't mean anything...
Because cheap chocolate is even offensive...
Because going out to dinner is boring at times...
Because this is all sooo predictable....

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