quinta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2009

A flight at 3 Am

I am at Vanocuver International Airport and I am blessed by the gift of free wireless and my laptop actually being with me.

I had to take the opportunity to write a post truly in the spirit, or original spirit, of this blog. It is now 3:30 am and I have been here since midnight roughly. My flight is not untill 7. The perfect mental conditions are created for me to write on the most random tone. Or pherhaps not so random. It is hard to predict what the natural high of long hours without sleeping can do.

All around, cleaning staff, the occasional traveler, in fact, not much. This is a dull airport. Plus, it's hard to find a place to plug-in your latptop.

I just watched "Oscar and Lucinda". The first question that comes to mind is Why does everyone die? But that is too easy... The other is, what about a glass church? I think it is a splendorous idea. I once read a book by Aldous Huxley in which he explained the psychadelic, so to call it, properties of stained glass. He said that it works in the same way some drugs do: if you stare at it long enough you might just visit parts of your counsciousness that you never imagined could exist. I have a project based on this idea. A sort of meditative project, if you would call it so. I plan to choose the most beautiful vitrals in Europe, buy a train ticket and spend a month going from church to church to stare instensely at this glass. I might bring some precious and semi-precious stones along, Aldous said they help too. It requires work, it is not like just some pill you can take. Altering counsciousness with vitrals must be extremely tough. But it is an art I hope to acquire, even if only on a small and initial degree.

I just finished re-reading a paper a friend sent me on the difference between Dao and Nirvana in a Chan interpretation. I discovered that, even if teh topic is new, it is widely refreshing and engaging just because it is not Anglo-saxonic philosophy. I mean, it might be in method, but not in theme. Having come accross the brutal fact of Philosophical life that is the regional division of teh subject. I feel it is important to try to put things together, to be able to be fluent in a number of subjects but also a number of prespectives. Obviously I am neither. But I hope to approach such a state someday. We can only hope to understand a significant part of the endless films, books and ideas around us. I myself wish I could pause time, read, see and feel everything there is in this world, then resume. Foolish, yet indicative of an overwhelming feeling of ignorance. The human condition or the sleepless condition?

No more of this non-sense. Let's fill out some US customs paperwork.

1 comentário:

gilė disse...


-- wanna pay me a visit?