quarta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2009

From Denver, with love - reflections on a week in Minnesota and random memories from the late 1990's

Here I am again, in an airport. It is 4:20 p.m. 2 hours more 'till my flight starts boarding, if on time.

And, judging by the snow outside this one of those times I should be wishing and hoping and praying for my flight not to be delayed (or cancelled... uhm... stick with the other scenario). Too bad, I have little faith in any attempt to change or better the mysterious ways in which airplanes, airways and related stuff works. Just get me to the place as fast as possible all in one piece. That's good enough.

But I don't mind, this was such a goooood week. I got to hang out with friends, very good ones. Ex- 2nd years, co-years and first years from the UWC era. Amazing beautiful people that I had not seen in years. Yet, it seemed that was just a couple of days. And just saying hi to people who went to school with me in Norway... They always have a great smile for you, a couple of minutes to chat, to ask how are you and mean it. Even if they were not your closets friends, they were there, they know, and they were part of it. And there is this bond....

(I'm listening to stuff that remind me of when I was little. Things from this naive age of radios and bad school days



This break was really like food for the soul. Good conversations, familiar faces, strange faces, a completely crazy dried up arctic-like climate, buses, planes, sleepless nights, colleges, breaksfasts and dinners and lunches, random encounters, Christmas shopping with friends, laughs. It was a reassuring week. It told me the world is still a marvelous place, in all the ways I thought it was. It showed me love is still around, friends are still there and the smiles still express genuine feelings.

(More childhood memories: )

On to more universally serious business:
Why did every pop singer in the nineties have short platinium blonde hair??

I was still in oblivion regarding social trends in hairstyle at that point in life, but a coherent attempt of explanantion by some more enlightened soul would be appreciated.

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