I had that yogurt in my fridge which was expiring today. I decided to do logic. But got stuck... again.
So, I decided to go and buy a couple of things I needed at the Cornerstone. On the way, I went through the sunnier paths, to get my hair dry. There was snow on the mountains, for the first time. And the bag pipe players were rehearsing. Thanks-giving made the campus empty, peaceful. It has been a beautiful morning.
Yesterday, I went to the knitting club, knitted and chatted. It was lovely, lots of interesting people, yarn and laughs. It was great specially because I have been so tired and overloaded with work lately. That also explains my lack of communication with most people.
I decide I would make Thanks-giving my catch up day with everyone around the world: I will write letters, send that postcard to my grandma and reply to all the e-mails. Because it is this web of people scattered all over the globe that gievs a context to my life. When I read their blogs, their messages, hear their voice again, read about how they feel, I feel warm and comfortable. I feel I am home. They are my home.
In Vancouver, I am having a great time. I didn't go to see the nice movies of the International Film Festival, too busy. I went to a couple of "Philosopher's Cafés" lately and sometimes I just walk around 'cause it's fun and unpredictable. I can say I now understand why I came here. I like it here.
But, yet, so many things remain problematic. The issue is that now I feel terrible when I encounter people, we talk about ourselves and I tell them I lived in Norway. There I go, with no intention of showing-off whatsoever, talk about my last two years, my international school, my life in Portugal, my travelling around Europe. It kills me when people say to me: yep, I have always been around here, Vancouver. In their eyes I can see I have done things they wanted to do and couldn't. It makes me think about how much luck I have and why do I have it. Not many reasons come up in that list.
It gets worst when we talk about academics. Some people get scared when I say I have studied two years of Philosophy and they ask how smart am I and stuff like that. I explain, it's the IB, I am not special. They still don't get it.
As you can imagine, this is a problem, because even if I try (believe me, I have been trying), I end up making people feel bad about themselves and telling me how boring they think their lives are. Practical problem arising from this: it scares off guys. Terribly. I have noticed. Not that I have been hiting on Vancouverites or into flirting, dating or whatever people do here. I have been sort of avoiding it, 'cause I don't have time right now. But, whenever situation arises, it is enough to talk about me travelling around and having a scholarship here. They back off. And sometimes I wish I had a more simple life. That is two seconds before I re-state I love my life again and pieces fall into places.
And now for somehting completely different,
This week I started wearing two pieces I had not worn before. I particularly proud of them, one because it is my work, the other my luck and slight craziness. So, here is a little photo (amateurish, with terrible light, but, again, I nevr claimed to be good at this) of my Norwegian woll bolero that I knitted during the summer and my black fury cloak which I found and mended from a vintage
Well, I should get going.
'Cause If you don't run fast, life will catch up.
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