I have seen too much of it. I hate it. I hate it. I profoundly despise "Sex and the City".
I once read an article called "You can be a feminist and still like Sex and the City!".
I tell what you cannot be: a healthy, self-loving 17 year old that whatches Sex and the City!!!!!
Carrie and her friends are part of the 40 year old American woman imaginary that doesn't have much to do anyhow. Let me list the reasons for all this remarks against mainstream.
1- Their concepts are old fashioned. They think of marriage as a goal. The only who doesn't is Samantha, who seems to constantly be depicted as vulgar and rather dumb and superficial. Today I heard a shocking line in which she says that women are not supposed to be human for men and that one of her boyfriends borke up with her because she missed a bikini wax. I am the only one who thinks this is ridiculous talking about mature adult people?
I know, I know. here is Filipa listening to Velvet Underground and completely alienated from the world. Let us continue.
2- Carrie. She is sucessful? They are the sucessful women of our day? Excuse me? Carrie writes a column in a newspaper (which gives her apparently looooads of money somehow). They don't have major carrer expectations, tehy don't have idological interests. They don't have a critical eye on their society. THey are well within the framework of feminine normality of American society. I wonder, what is the value of this success.
3- Shoes, clothes and other assorted things. It is not a bad thing. I love clothes. But why should a life revolve around it? Why is everything about shoes and make up? If you count the number of sequences in which that is a main theme in the background... it ammounts to a lot.
And now, my favourite reason to dislike SAC.
4- they are in their 30's, 40's. I am 17. Now, what does this tell us? A gap, huge one. Yet, many girls my age identify with them. What happened to us? Did we leap 20 years?? I do not believe so. Why then are we trying to be so adult, so grown-up? They are not better. There was actually once a time when being young was great by itself. We did not need to compare. Teenage sexuality was something of its own. Why do we now not want to have a space for ourselves, a generational space?
And, again, it is not because they are women talking about sex that makes it a forward-minded show. They play in the system, they are not critical. That makes it conformist and establishment defending. It is the way you talk about it. For all I know I can be having a 6 hour converstaion about sex and be a totally alienated and oppressed female member of society. It does not matter.
Once, I read Jim Morrison's quote about sex. one of them. He said something along the lines that, if we were to truly open up to all the sensory festival that is sex, we could be having some incredible mystical experiences. But people get entangled in rules, in lies. I think we might be doing just that. We might be defining what our life should be like and neglecting living itself.
It is my belief that, if human beings truly embraced sexual experiences independently of social restrains and subtle institutional control, revolution would be on the way.
What keeps consumer capitalist society stable is just the fact we do not feel. We do not respond and we do not want to respond.
And yet, we walk around so sexually liberated...Or do we?
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