terça-feira, 17 de novembro de 2009

"More More More!" that 70's Post

It's the 7'0's,

They get me... somehow. I don't know what is happening! I watch "That 70's show", watch the dance scenes of "Saturday Night Fever" and suddenly I find myself making a 70's pop playlist! I swear, it's the aliens, they took over! I just saw one blinding light...

Less drama, now. I just wanted to make a small note about Andrea True and her "More More More!" hit.

It's sooooo 70's. Why?

- the simplistic lyrics : get the message ? Try harder, you might just make one up!
- the beat: finding it hard to keep control of your body and avoiding embarassing "I'm so cool" disco moves?
- the repetition: and they say today music is boring?
- the "mooooooore", epic-type of voice strech: so disco romantic...
- the fact that she does the same thing for 3 min: they didn't have that many ideas for videoclips back then...
- the image quality
- the setting: shinning with the lights of a thousand Christmas trees
- Andrea True: the name - uhm... 70's
- Andrea True: the fact that she was actually a famous porn star - very 70's, porn movies boom era (it disturbs me that the lyrics say "get the cameras rolling, get the action going"... )
- Andrea True: the blown-up hairdo and the sexy boots + hotpants WITH the leather top thingy.... 70's, all said.

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