I realised I have not posted anything for a while now, and maybe I should.
Big news: I am 18 now (something big I have been said). I guess I am an adult woman in control of my own destiny. As such, on my birthday afternoon, I went to the Bookshop and bought over 10 books on Sale. From Rosseau to Romantic letters from a Portuguese nun. I love it all and I will read it all (as soon as I find the time). At least now I have a small travelling library in my room =) How fancy.
I am actually volunterring in the Women's Center library now. Once a week, a couple of hours. I absolutely love it. Putting books on the shelves, cataloguing, re-arranging, organising, checking-in, out and what not. It's perfect.
I also starting to volunteer in this project called "Letters for the Inside", a sort of research service by students for prisioners that lack acess to any information. It is very thought-provoking and I think it will be very rewarding.
I needed to get involved into these things. The fact is that I miss extra-academics. I miss meetings, gorups, being the secretary, cordinator, participant and all that. I miss it, and now I fell much better because I am back on it.
I am in fact starting to feel at home here. Not in my residence though. God, I really hope my room switch works out... Yesterday was a bit too much. The guy next door decide to have a party and, honestly, it was not just noisy. IT was scary. Very drunk Canadian kids singing along to pop songs, shouting about sex and banging on the wall for fun. Decadence reached the bottom. And I had to put with it untill they moved the party somewhere else.
Oh, I think they just woke up. Yes, this is the sound of very hang-over semi-drunk people next door.
I have had very strange dreams. I am disturbed by them and it is interfering in my concentration. The recurrent one is me missing the plane, missing my flight home. I am a bit paranoid about it. It is not that I wnat to get out of here so badly, but I am looking forward to the break. To Europe. To my parents and to my fireplace.
This was a purely informative post, but my days are so full now that my only to time to reflect is eating and sleeping.
After all, there are only two ways to get unraveled. One is to sleep, the other is travel.
P.S. My new obcession: Cary Elwes (when young)